

A reading from the holy gospel according to Luke 
(Lk 2:15-20)

When the angels went away from them into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, “Let us go over to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has made known to us.”  And they went with haste, and found Mary and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger. And when they saw it they made known the saying which had been told them concerning this child; and all who heard it wondered at what the shepherds told them. But Mary kept all these things, pondering them in her heart. And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen, as it had been told them. This is the Word of the Lord.


A light will shine on us this day”. Psalm  97 today makes us repeat the good news, “A light will shine on us this day”. Meditating on this verse, I asked myself if this was just a repetition of words written by the Psalmist, a promise made many centuries ago? Or is it good news being promised to us in our days, today? As Christmas is not just a commemoration of something glorious and important that belongs to history, our celebration ‘this day’ makes it very real, and we are invited to pay attention. “A light will shine on us this day” the Psalmist says, and we ask: “What light is this?”. The Psalmist answers us: “It is the Lord, born for us”. So we ask again: “Who is this light?” It is Christ the Lord.

The angels who gave the good news to the shepherds who were keeping watch over their flock by night said to them if you go to Bethlehem to see this thing that has happened “You will find a babe wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger”. This is good news of a great joy which will come to all the people. Indeed, this is “Good News” wrapped in a human body, in human history, and it is good news that comes to us today.

This good news comes through the celebration of the Holy Eucharist during which Our Lord comes to us every day through his Words and in the outer signs of bread and wine, small things that hide from our sight the immense beauty of Christ’s glory, that our heart and our mind and our whole being are unable to experience while still alive on earth. “This is the mystery of faith” we are reminded in every Mass we celebrate. It is the same mystery of faith that Mary and Joseph and the shepherds faced when holding the child Jesus in their arms. It is the same mystery we face when we look at the crucified Jesus, the risen Lord, now in his Father’s glorious embrace. Small things in God’s hands bring to us splendid mysteries: a new born Child, consecrated Bread and Wine, a crucified and resurrected Man.

Who is the light that will shine on us today? It is the Man/God in the mystery of the Incarnation, the Eucharistic mystery, and the mystery of our redemption.

But today he will also shine on us in this threefold mystery through the Good News we read in today’s gospel selection. In it we meet with two main personages: the shepherds and the Child’s mother, Mary.

Luke tells us that the shepherds went to Bethlehem and they made known to Mary, Joseph and others who could hear them, the message which had been told them concerning this child. In this, the humble shepherds became preachers of the Word, through whom God wanted to share his message of endless love that knows no limits. In a way the angels sent them on mission to announce the Good News, to bring Joy to all mankind, a message Jesus himself would repeat later, as reported by John: “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly” (Jn 10, 10). It is the same mission the Risen Lord gave to his disciples: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations teaching them everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always…” (cfr Mt 28, 19-20).

Luke tells us that: “Mary kept all these things, pondering them in her heart” and this is contemplation of the mystery in order to be able to play her part in it, for she is the first and foremost disciple. Her share in the wedding feast at Cana at the beginning of her Son’s ministry, was to tell the servers: “Do whatever my son tells you” (Jn 2, 5). This is the preaching Mary is repeating in these and other words from that day in Cana up to our days.

All this brings to my mind the motto Dominicans treasure so much and which is the leading light of their religious life: “To contemplate and to give to others the fruit of their contemplation”. This Mary did with words and deeds. This the shepherds did in their share in the Christmas Story. This the apostles and other disciples did in a way that, notwithstanding their limitations, but filled with the Holy Spirit, Christ’s message was spread among all nations.

We are called to do the same thing and accept the light that shines on us today in order to become disciples who contemplate God’s mysteries and share the fruits of our own contemplation to the world around us.

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A reading from the holy gospel according to Matthew (Mt 6:7-15)

Jesus said to his disciples: “In praying do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do; for they think that they will be heard for their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him. Pray then like this: Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father also will forgive you; but if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses”. This is the word of the Lord.    (
Listen here)




    Bil-festa tal-miġja tal-Ispirtu s-Santu fuq l-Appostli miġburin flimkien għalaqna ż-żmien li matulu ċċelebrajna l-misterju tar-Redenzjoni tagħna. Fih iffukajna l-aktar fuq Sidna Ġesù li ġie ppersegwitat b’diversi modi, ġie ttorturat u maqtul b’mewt krudila fuq salib. Imma hu qam rebbieħ fuq il-mewt, u fuq il-pjanijiet li l-għedewwa fasslu biex mingħalihom jeħilsu minnu. Din kienet ħidma tat-Trinità Qaddisa.

Meta rġajna bdejna ż-żmien liturġiku li nsejħulu ta’ Matul is-Sena, il-Knisja stednitna biex fl-ewwel Ħadd niċċelebraw il-festa tat-Trinità. Hekk infakkru lilna nfusna li s-salvazzjoni tagħna hi kollha kemm hi ħidma ta’ Alla l-Missier, u tal-Iben u tal-Ispirtu s-Santu, li għalkemm kull waħda minn dan il-Persuni hi Alla, m’humiex tliet Allat iżda Alla wieħed.

Dan hu l-misterju li qed niċċelebraw illum. Ma nifhmuhx, għax moħħna ma jwassalx daqshekk. Iżda l-intelliġenza tagħna tgħidilna li jekk ħaġa ma nifhmuhiex, nistgħu nemmnu lil dak li jgħidhielna, jekk jistħoqqlu l-fiduċja tagħna.

Fil-misterju tat-Trinità fil-fatt aħna niċċelebraw żewġ misterji.

L-ewwel wieħed hu l-misterju ta’ Alla wieħed. Minn fost il-popli li kienu jqimu ħafna allat, Alla l-imbierek għażel għalih poplu u għallmu li għandu jqim u jobdi lilu biss. Fl-ewwel qari smajna lil Mosè li, mibgħut minn Alla, qal lill-Lhud, poplu digà meħlus mill-jasar tal-Eġittu: “Mela, kun af illum, u żommha f’moħħok, li l-Mulej hu tassew Alla, kemm fl-għoli tas-sema kemm hawn isfel fuq l-art, u li ma hawnx ieħor għajru”.

Mose’ kien jistħoqqlu l-fiduċja tal-poplu? Dażgur, għax Alla wera li kien tassew miegħu permezz ta’ ħafna sinjali u għeġubijiet. Għalhekk il-poplu tal-Antik u tal-Ġdid Testment baqa’ sallum jgħożż f’moħħu l-kliem għażiż: “Isma', Iżrael: Wieħed hu l-Mulej, il-Mulej Alla tagħna. Ħobb, mela, lill-Mulej, Alla tiegħek, b'qalbek kollha, b'ruħek kollha u b'saħħtek kollha. Żomm f'qalbek dawn it-twissijiet li jiena qiegħed nagħtik illum; għallimhom lil uliedek u kellimhom fuqhom” (Dewt 6:4-7).

Għaliex għandna nħobbu lil Alla b’qalbna kollha? Għax għandna nobduh? Għaliex kif qalilna San Ġwann l-appostlu Alla huwa mħabba, u għalkemm jista’ kollox, fl-aħħar mill-aħħar ma’ jistax ħlief iħobb, u għalhekk jikkmandana li nħobbu lilu u lil xulxin, għax aħna xbiha tiegħu.

It-tieni misterju hu t-Trinità Qaddisa, jiġifieri li f’Alla hemm tlett persuni li aħna nafhuhom b’ismijiet umani. Allura ngħidu li l-Missier hu Alla, l-Iben hu Alla u l-Ispirtu hu Alla, iżda ma nqimux tliet Allat, imma Alla wieħed.

Kif nafuh dan? Għaliex Ġesù, l-Iben t’Alla li sar bniedem, għarrafulna. B’moħħna biss ma stajna qatt insiru nafuh dan il-misterju. Diversi drabi fl-evanġelji Ġesù tkellem dwar il-Missier u dwar l-Ispirtu u li huma ħaġa waħda. Fl-aħħar diskors tiegħu qabel il-passjoni Ġesù qal lill-appostli li kienu kielu l-Aħħar Ċena miegħu: “Jekk xi ħadd iħobbni, iħares kelmti, u Missieri jħobbu, u aħna niġu u ngħammru għandu. Din il-wegħda tinkludi wkoll lill-Ispirtu li Ġesù kien għadu kif wegħedhom li jibgħathilhom mingħand il-Missier. 

Tajjeb niftakru li meta Ġesu’ tkellem dwar il-persuni tat-Trinità, billi jaf li m’aħniex kapaċi nifhmu dan il-misterju, uża xbiha li aħna lkoll nifhmu u għandna l-esperjenza tagħha. Din ix-xbiha hi l-familja, li hi l-akbar għaqda ta’ mħabba li aħna, ta’ bnedmin li ahna, kapaċi nimmaġinaw. Billi l-familja hi magħmula minn bnedmin, allura mhix perfetta. Għalhekk San Pawl wissiena: ”Bħalissa naraw bħallikieku f’mera, imċajpar, imma mbagħad naraw wiċċ imb wiċċ (1 Kor 13,12). Għalissa ma nifhmux, iżda nistgħu nemmnu dak li għallimna Ġesu’.

Tajjeb li nżommu quddiem għajnejna dak li fakkarna l-evanġelju li qrajna llum : “Lili ngħatat kull setgħa fis-sema u fl-art. Morru, mela, agħmlu dixxipli mill-ġnus kollha, u għammduhom fl-isem tal-Missier u tal-Iben u tal-Ispirtu s-Santu, u għallmuhom iħarsu dak kollu li ordnajtilkom jien. U ara, jiena magħkom dejjem, sal-aħħar taż-żmien”. Dawn huma l-aħħar kelmiet ta’ Ġesù meta bagħat lill-appostli bħala missjunarji mad-dinja kollha.

L-aħħar ħaġa li rrid insemmi hi li quddiem il-misterju tat-Trinità jistgħu jiġuna xi dubji, mhux għax ma nemmnux kliem Kristu jew it-tagħlim tal-Appostli kif twassalulna l-Knisja llum, iżda għax aħna bnedmin u jekk jiġuna dubbji, nistaqsu, u jekk nistaqsu, nitgħallmu.

Fit-tieni qari San Pawl qallilna: ”Ħuti, dawk kollha li jmexxihom l-Ispirtu ta’ Alla huma wlied Alla. Għax intom ma rċevejtux l-ispirtu li jwassalkom għall-jasar biex terġgħu taqgħu fil-biża’, imma rċevejtu l-Ispirtu li jagħmel minnkom ulied adottivi; u li bih aħna nistgħu ngħajtu: “Abbà! Missier!”.

Mela, meta nimmeditaw il-misterju tat-Trinita’ ejjew nirringrazzjaw u nifirħu, għax għalkemm ma nifhmuhx, nemmnu li dħalna f’din il-Familja Qaddisa u li aħna wlied maħbuba ta’ Alla anke jekk xi drabi jew sikwit nidinbu. Jekk nitolbuh, jaħfrilna dejjem. Ma jistax jagħmel mod ieħor, għax Alla hu kollu kemm hu mħabba, imħabba perfetta u bla qjies.



Dominican celebrations in Albania in honour of St.Dominic

           On January 17, a solemn Eucharistic celebration opened the jubilee year of St. Dominic at the Dominican Parish of "St. George Martyr" in Lagjja Mirdita, Durrës, in Albania. His Excellency Mgr. George Frendo OP, Metropolitan Archbishop of Tirana-Durres, presided and the parish priest Bro Geoffrey Bugeja OP concelebrated.

The celebration began with the rite of the Lucernaria, with readings and prayers, the blessing and lighting of candles outside the church precincts. The faithful then entered the church in procession singing the litanies of the saints of the Order. The idea behind this being that we frequently refer to St. Dominic as the ‘Lumen Ecclesiae’, a light of the Church. In his homily, the Archbishop, presented his reflections on the Gospel of the day, and referred to our Holy Father Dominic and the presence of the Dominicans in this country since the beginning of the Order. In fact, only a few years after the death of St. Dominic in 1221, the Dominicans were active in Albania. They arrived in 1240 and worked here until the end of the 15th century when they were banished by the Turks. They then returned in 1996 to the city of Durrës, from where they reach and serve several other villages that have a strong Catholic presence. In addition to our Dominican brothers and sisters, other religious sisters took part in the celebration together with the people of God who ask for the intercession of the Saint of Guzman. The singing of the antiphon ‘O Lumen’ and the lighting of the Jubilee candle marked the end of the celebration.

Sunday, 7th February, the parish of St. Dominic in Durrës, Albania, celebrated its patron saint,
on the occasion of the beginning of the jubilee year for the eighth centenary of our saint’s birth to heaven. The celebration was organized by the parish priest, Bro Bernard Caruana OP and his team.

It started with the blessing of a new icon of St. Dominic painted by an Othodox iconographer guided by Bro Bernard. The auxiliary bishop of our diocese, Mgr. Arjan Dodaj FDC presided over the celebration and Bro Constantine Mamo OP concelebrated. The “Vox Iuvenum” choir from Tirana accompanied with their beautiful voices.

Three persons read a short presentation of the saint followed by singing by the choir. A selection from the ‘Libellus’ about the beginning of the Order of Preachers by Bro Jordan of Saxony, first successor of St. Dominic as Master of the Order, was read. Those present in the congregation prayed an Albanian translation of the responsory ‘O Spem Miram’ followed by other prayers of the faithful. The bishop blessed the Icon and lighted a Jubilee candle prepared for the occasion and the choir sang the Latin version of the ‘O Spem Miram’ to the melody written by Charles Gounod.

Celebration of the Mass for the Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time followed. During the homily Mgr. Arjan spoke beautifully of our Father Dominic presenting him as a true preacher of truth that shone in the Church, and who only spoke to God in prayer and about God in his preaching. He stressed the fact that according to his early biographers Dominic was always transmitting the joy of being faithful to the Lord. He pointed to Dominic’s many saintly sons and daughters who were his true disciples. He reminded those present that Dominican Friars came to Albania in the early years of the Dominican adventure as an Order of Preachers. After a period of absence from the country they returned to Albania and are present in our Diocese in the person of our Archbishop Mgr. George Frendo and the brothers responsible for the running of two parishes in the city of Durrës.

After the solemn blessing at the end of the Mass two men carried the Icon of Dominic in procession to the side chapel where it is offered for the veneration of the faithful. Other activities are being organized in honour of our father Dominic throughout this Jubilee Year.